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Czech Republic

Location: University Centre for Energy Efficient buildings, Czech Technical University in Prague
Climate zone according to Koppen-Gieger classification (Csb): Cold, no dry season, warm summer

At CVUT (UCEEB) the pilot installation will take place on its experimental south facing façade grid. From the back side there will be created a gap with controlled climatic conditions and connected directly to the laboratories behind for energy supply and monitoring.


Location: IPN incubator, Building C at Instituto Pedro Nunes, Coimbra
Climate zone according to Koppen-Gieger classification (Csb): Temperate, dry summer, warm summer

In Portugal, the modules will be temporarily tested in real operation at Instituto Pedro Nunes in Coimbra. In their campus there is Incubator IPN Building C - an office building from the early ’90s with many glazing and concrete walls. A small part of it (including both transparent and opaque parts) will be used for the demo and there is also the ability (i.e. space and infrastructure) to install the battery storage systems and assess the energy performance.


Location: Flachglas Sülzfeld GmbH, Sülzfeld, Germany (Thüringen)
Climate zone according to Koppen-Gieger classification (Csb): (Cfb): Temperate, without dry season, warm summer.

The pilot site is located in the town of Sülzfeld in central Germany – in the federal state of Thüringen and lies at the foothills of the Rhön mountains. To the south, it has a clear view of the valley between the mountains, which eliminates the shading effects of the mountains on the south-oriented facades proposed for the demo installation. The location is near the federal motorway number 71.